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Bringing Financial Clarity and Direction to Your Life

Engage With Us

Our mission is to simplify your financial life by giving you clarity and direction. Our process ensures you receive the care, attention and service you need to achieve your goals. We pride ourselves on eliminating emotional barriers to help you become an engaged and more effective financial decision maker.

Why Engage Wealth?

Not all financial advisors are created equal.

Fiduciary Financial Advisor


We have aligned our personal philosophy with our business practices - always put the interest of our clients first and foremost.

What does it mean to be a fiduciary? Simply put, we're legally required to act in your best interest with honesty and good faith at all times.  If you're thinking that sounds like a reasonable expectation for someone you entrust with your life savings, we agree.  Unfortunately, that's not the case currently in our industry.  Engage Wealth embraces the fiduciary principles as the foundation of our firm.  Our Founder is an outspoken advocate for the fiduciary standard. He has written numerous articles on the subject and has advocated nationally on capital Capital Hill and locally in Springfield, IL for the fiduciary standard in the financial services profession.  

Fee-only financial advisorFee-Only

No hidden fees. Full transparency makes it easy to understand exactly how we get paid.

As part of our fiduciary commitment to you, we’ve established ourselves as a fee-only, independent advisory firm.  So what does that mean?  We never receive compensation in the form of commissions.  Our compensation comes directly from our clients through a transparent and agreed-upon fee. This allows us to avoid potential conflicts of interest and provide you with truly objective advice to help you achieve your goals.

certified financial planner


Only 1 of 4 of all financial advisors in the industry hold the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ designation.*

While many financial advisors call themselves “financial planners,” only professionals who have fulfilled the experience, education, rigorous exam, and ethical standards can use the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ title. We are advocates of a minimum competency standard when it comes to financial advice, and we have demonstrated our commitment to maintaining what’s commonly referred to as the highest standard of excellence in the industry. Further, Ed Gjertsen II, our Founder, proudly served on the Board of Directors and as National Chairman of the Financial Planning Association, the largest association of CFP® professionals.     

We believe everyone is entitled to a life full of wealth.  As we engage in the financial planning process, we will get to know you personally and financially, to put you on the path to wealth. 

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life”

- Henry David Thoreau

Our comprehensive financial planning covers:

(Choose a section below to learn more)

Retirement Planning


Estate Planning


Asset Management


Tax Planning


Income Strategies


Insurance & Risk Analysis


Engage With Us

Our Process

(Select a step below to learn more)

Step 1

Initial Visit

Step 2

Be Engaged

Step 3

Clarity and Direction

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